
Clark Gardens

We love going to Clark Gardens and its been a while since our last trip out there. Last Friday Shelley set up a field trip with our homeschooling group to visit Clark Gardens. I couldn't help but be excited about going. The gardens are rich with foliage and colors that you just don't find in an average garden. Not only would we see the many splendid flowers, trees, bushes and ponds but they had hundreds of pumpkins set out for their fall harvest that weekend. We couldn't have chosen a better weekend to go.

The weather was gorgeous and Makayla was in a very good mood. It couldn't have been a better day! As soon as we got there Makayla found the pumpkins and I managed to snag this shot...

After walking around for a bit we had lunch at the pavilion and I couldn't let another day go by without getting a good picture of Makayla with her very good friend Elisabeth. They held hands all the way through the gardens because you know... thats just what best friends do and who am I to interfere with what best friends do? Aren't they just too cute together!!!!!

All in all it was a great day and although we had a mini meltdown when it was time to go we still managed to get some good pictures! I love that we have found a group of friends that we love and are loved in return, aren't judged and all have the same beliefs. We are truly blessed!