
Busy Weeks...

Wow we have just really had an unusually busy couple of weeks and I really dont see an end in sight for a while.

Today we had to put Makayla's ferret Cocoa to sleep. She was really sad and distressed about it but I spent $200 and a week trying to save his life to no avail. The vet felt like he had kidney disease and probably was ill for a very long time. We really loved this little guy and will miss him a lot. Makayla told me today he is with God and the angels now and she will get to see him again some day. She is wise beyond her years.

Im working now at the preschool and having a great time. I teach with Judy in the twos class which is a lot of fun. Our class is all boys with one girl on Tues and two girls on Thurs. Its very different having an all boy class! Boys are just little bundles of energy!

Last week Makayla went to the fire department with her preschool class and had a great time! She learned all about what to do if we were to have a fire in our home, she was able to spray the big fire hose and even got her very own fire hat!

Next week we will be super busy too! On Monday we will be having our first riding lesson! Be sure to stay tuned for the pictures of that! You know how much Makayla LOVES horses! Till then TTFN!