
Happy New Year!

Wow... its so hard to believe that 2008 is over and we are begining 2009. 2008 was a good year for us. We found our faith and a wonderful church, were baptized in May, didnt lose a single family member and really cant complain too much about anything.

Makayla is growing up entirely too fast. She is such a happy girl and a delight for Robert and I. God certainly knew what he was doing when he blessed us with her. I took her today to get her hair cut and Sherry was so sweet to her. She got the works with having her hair washed and conditioned, cut and then Sherry even took the time to give her some Shirley Temple curls. Makayla was as happy as a little lark and looked beautiful too. I love that she is about to be four but hate it at the same time. They just grow up entirely too fast. Speaking of wich...

Devin... whoa boy... Devin. He is my first born and a beautiful gift from God. I honestly dont know what I would do without him. He has an incredible sense of humor and can make me laugh like no other. He is handsome and a very sensitive and caring young man. I love him more than life itself however... He also has a way about him that makes me want to knock his lights out at times. He is heading into his last semester of high school and then going to enter this cruel world. That is if he can manage to pay this big fat speeding ticket (50 in a 30) he got last night. Mommy wont pay that for him... no way, no how!

My new baby Bella (Katrina's Lil Isabelle Rose) is growing and getting to be a sassy little puppy. Remi has taken to her very well and they have become fast friends. I was hoping since we got a girl he would be receptive and he was.

Robert and I are doing well. I still have a pretty horrific back problem that isnt going away but I am giving it to God and he will lead me in the right path on what to do about it.

I hope that everyone has a safe and very blessed New Year! We love you all!

P.S. Maddie I will get some more videos up for you very soon!