I remember it just like it was yesterday (which is saying something for me). I remember not sleeping well at all because I was so nervous. I remember taking a long hot bath thinking it would be a while before I would get one again. I remember getting to the hospital and crying for my Mom because I was so scared. I remember being poked and prodded and some other things I wish I could just forget... I was only 16 for crying out loud.
I remember the doctors telling golf jokes over my sliced open body. I remember pressure and then I remember hearing a bunch of numbers being yelled out which I kept thinking to myself meant something... but what? Then I remember the sweet cry of my baby boy. I remember my husband leaving my side never to be seen again for several hours. I remember the nurses laying my newborn boy on my chest and then they wheeled me out of the room and down the hall where they knocked me out for several hours before taking me to my hospital room.
I remember these things so clearly although they were eighteen years ago. How is that even possible? I couldnt possibly have an eighteen year old boy now could I?
Makayla made her big brother a cake today and he loved it. Ill load some pictures later.
Happy Birthday baby boy... I am so glad to have you.
17 hours ago
Aw...it's amazing how frightening the whole birth experience can be but how amazing at the same time.
I wish I'd known it was his birthday today; I'd have said something this morning! Tell him we all said Happy Birthday, Devon!
Oh, and I really like your new blog - very snazzy!
Happy Birthday to Devin, and happy anniversary of the event to you, Trina.
I know how you feel. On Friday Cody is going to be turning 19. It is amazing.
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