Change... something I tend to resist. I mean who really likes change? Change to me is like yanking teeth, I put it off as long as I can.
With that said God has led me to some change over the last week. Since March I have tossed around the idea of letting go of my ownership of the Shanty. When I took over the shanty it was a fun, lively place with a lot of talent and inspiration. The women were friendly, loving and giving of time and advice. I am not sure where or when that dynamic left the site but it did along with many of the ladies that were original to the site. Dawn pointed it out to me when she left and I knew it then but I thought it was something that could be turned around. Dont get me wrong... there are a ton of ladies there that I have grown to love and care for incredibly but it was just different, the entire atmosphere had changed. I stuck it out for several months but after getting the feeling that I really wasnt welcome on my own site anymore I prayed, and prayed and then prayed some more and the only answer that kept coming to me was to let it go. I could have been spiteful and just shut it down, and trust me that thought crossed my mind more than once but I guess In the big scheme of life and all of my day to day problems I just couldnt let this keep eating at me. I had to just let it go, so thats what I did. I wish all the gals still at the Shanty all the best!
Now on to another season of change. Most of you know that I have been subbing at Makayla's preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I love working with the kids and have a ton of fun with them. The other teachers there are great and so fun to work with too. I am so thrilled to announce that Karen has hired me full time now... no more subbing for me! YAY! I have been praying for this and God has answered my prayers! I will now contribute to the family (just a little but its something!) and Makayla will love having me at school with her. I dont have to worry about coming up with tuition any longer (thank you God) because it was a struggle trying to come up with the money.
I guess thats all for this update. There is so much to tell but those are the super important things going on in my life right now! Everything is going well with us and I keep praying that it stays that way for a while. I love when life is calm and uncomplicated for a change.
1 day ago
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